
Difficult times can leave people feeling disconnected from their emotions, their bodies, and the world around them. By practicing self-soothing, self-compassion, and non-judgment, clients can learn to manage their symptoms, build resilience, and reconnect with themselves in ways essential to healing and recovery.

Self-soothing is the practice of using calming techniques to soothe the body and mind during times of stress. This can include sensory activities like taking a warm bath, listening to calming music, or practicing deep breathing exercises. Self-soothing helps individuals regulate their emotions and feel more grounded in the present moment.

Self-compassion is the practice of treating oneself with kindness and understanding. It involves acknowledging and accepting one's emotions and experiences without judgment or criticism. Self-compassion can help individuals overcome negative self-talk and cope more effectively with difficult situations.

Non-judgment involves accepting oneself and others without judgment or criticism. It involves letting go of the need to label oneself or others as "good" or "bad" and instead approaching oneself and others with curiosity and openness. Non-judgment can help individuals let go of shame and guilt and develop greater self-acceptance and compassion.

In my practice, I collaborate with clients to treat themselves in a self-soothing, self-compassionate and non-judgemental manner.

If you are struggling with trauma, I encourage you to seek out support and guidance from a trauma-informed therapist who can help you develop the skills and tools you need to heal and recover. You can also click the link below to book a free 15 minute consultation. Together, we can work towards a future of greater self-awareness, empowerment, and healing.

Written by Danielle D. David